Saturday, January 25, 2020
Fracture Resistance of Esthetic Post and Core Systems
Fracture Resistance of Esthetic Post and Core Systems Comparison of fracture resistance of three recent esthetic post and core systems with cast metal post and core to compressive loading An in vitro Study ABSTRACT: Aim: To determine and compare the fracture resistance of three recently introduced esthetic post and core systems with a cast metal post and core to compressive loading using a clinically related test method. Materials and Methods: Forty maxillary central incisors were selected, sectioned and their roots endodontically treated and assigned to 4 experimental groups (n=10).The cast metal post and core (CMPC) served as control group.The other groups are zirconium dioxide post and ceramic core group (ZCER), zirconium dioxide posts and composite core group (ZCOM) and glass fiber post and composite core group (GFCOM).The post spaces were prepared, posts were seated and cores were formed. A compressive load was applied to the inclined surface on each specimen until failure occurred and measured in newtons. Results: CMPC and ZCER groups exhibited the highest resistance fracture and the values are : 680.6 N and 630.03 N respectively . ZCOM group exhibited fracture resistance greater than GFCOM but less than ZCER and CMPC. Conclusion: CMPC group and ZCER group were found to be more fracture resistant than the ZCOM group and GFCOM group. Aside from its desirable esthetic properties,the ZCER group demonstrated high resistance to fracture. Keywords: compressive loading, endodontic treatment, fracture resistance, post and core INTRODUCTION Endodontic therapy has provided dentistry the ability to retain teeth that just a few decades ago would have been extracted without hesitation.When there is substantial loss of coronal tooth structure due to caries, trauma or both, a post and core is often required to retain a definitive restoration. A post is usually placed in an attempt to strengthen the tooth.1,2,3 However, in vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated that a post cannot reinforce endodontically treated teeth.4,5,6 Posts are required for supporting a core foundation when there is insufficient clinical crown remaining.4,5,6,7 Although cast post and core foundations are the gold standard for endodontically treated teeth, due to their superior physical properties and proven clinical effectiveness8 yet its mechanical properties may increase the risk of root fracture9. The esthetic properties of these materials are limited since the gray colored post is apparent when used to support translucent all ceramic restorations. Coupled with a high lip line, cast metal post and core foundation may create esthetic problems. In the recent times, there has been a tremendous increase in the use of all ceramic crowns, particularly for anterior teeth because of their superior natural appearance compared to metal ceramic restorations.10 Both the declining acceptance of cast post and core restorations as well as patients interest in dental esthetics has resulted in the development of esthetic posts, especially Glass Fiber and Zirconia Ceramics.These increase the transmission of light within the root and overlying gingival tissues, enhancing the esthetics. They also eliminate the potential hazards of corrosion and allergic hypersensitivity as they are metal free materials.11 Glass fibers such as silica or quartz reinforced epoxy resin posts have low modulus of elasticity similar to that of dentin.12 This property has been reported to reduce the risk of root fracture. 13,14 Glass fiber reinforced posts also have the advantage of easy removal if endodontic re-treatment is required. 15,16 A prefabricated zirconia ceramic post system has been introduced to satisfy esthetic needs presented by endodontically treated anterior teeth. The translucency of all ceramic crowns can be successfully maintained with the use of ceramic post and core materials. Moreover improvements in adhesive porcelain bonding systems have accelerated the trend toward the use of ceramic core materials. Many dentists prefer to use prefabricated post systems because they are more practical, less expensive and in some situations less invasive than customized post and core systems. They also save time and can provide satisfactory results. 17,18,19 The purpose of this in vitro study is to determine and compare fracture resistance of three esthetic post and core systems, Zirconia post and Ceramic core, Zirconia post and Composite core and Glass Fiber post and Composite core with cast posts under compressive loading. METHODOLOGY Forty extracted human permanent central incisors were selected based on similar dimensions,caries free,no restorations and cracks.The teeth were soaked in 3% sodium hypochlorite (Vishal Dentocare PVT LTD), for 6 hours. These forty teeth were divided into 4 groups: Group 1: Cast Metal post and core (CMPC) Group 2: Zirconia posts and Ceramic core (ZCER) Group 3: Zirconia posts and Composite core (ZCOM) Group 4: Glass Fiber posts and Composite core (GFCOM) The coronal aspect of each tooth was resected perpendicular to the long axis and 1mm incisal to the cementoenamel junction, with a diamond coated disc (Horico) mounted in a straight handpiece (NSK, Japan). Labiolingual and mesiodistal measurements of the sectioned tooth surfaces were made with a digital vernier calipers (Aero space, China).The roots were endodontically instrumented to the apex using protaper rotary instruments (Dentsply,Maillefer) till F3 and obturated with protaper GP points (Dentsply,Maillefer) using ZOE sealer. Procedure for fabricating standardized cores: To obtain standardized cores, a wax pattern was fabricated from casting wax (Sk Dental waxes, Bombay) which had 6.5mm diameter base, 7.3 mm diameter cervico incisally and 6.2mm buccolingually. Impression of the wax pattern was taken with rubber base impression material (Exaflex). Then dies were made from the impression material. Polyvinyl material was vacuum pressed on these dies.In this way a hollow matrix was fabricated which had the same dimensions as that of the wax pattern. The base of the matrix was fitted flush to the sectioned tooth surfaces. Then 1 mm of the matrix was cut at the open end so that it acted as an inlet for the placement of composite resin. Procedure for preparation of forty samples: For all the groups the post spaces were enlarged with peeso reamers no 2 and 3 (MANI CE 0197 Prime Dental Products PVT LTD) initially to a depth of 9mm. The final enlargements were accomplished with the 1.4 mm diameter drills that were specifically given with 1.4mm zirconia posts (Cosmoposts,Ivoclar Vivadent) and 1.4mm GF posts (Bioloren,Ammdent). All the posts have 1.4mm diameter and were sectioned to a standard length of 13mm using carbide fissure bur and high speed airotor handpiece The length of the posts was 4 mm from the finish line into the core.In groups 2, 3 and 4 all the post spaces were etched using 37% orthorphosphoric acid (3M ESPE), for 30 sec and bonding was done using a bonding agent (3M ESPE) polymerized for 20 sec. Cementation was done using dual curing resin luting agent ( Kerr,Orange,CA). Group 1: A direct technique was used. The post pattern was fabricated using inlay wax. For the core part ,the polyvinyl matrix was placed on the tooth, resin wax (Leva) was injected in to the matrix and polymerized. After polymerization, the matrix was removed from the molded core. Then the entire pattern was retrieved from the root, invested and cast. The cast post and core systems were then cemented into the roots using GIC. Group 2: Posts were seated into the prepared post space.Polyvinyl matrix was placed on the tooth surface, resin wax was then injected in to the matrix and polymerized for 20 sec to form the core. Matrix was then removed and retrieved post and core foundations from the roots were invested with a phosphate bonded investment (Deguvest). Wax was eliminated from the invested units in a pre heated furnace (Unident) (800Ãâ¹Ã
¡C for 45 minutes). Cores around zirconia posts were prepared using ceramic ingots (e-max, Ivoclar vivadent) heat-pressing process (975Ãâ¹Ã
¡C for 45 min.) in a heat pressing furnace (Ivoclar vivadent). The formed ZCER foundations were then cemented into the post spaces. Group 3: After etching and bonding,posts were cemented in to the prepared post spaces. The matrix was seated on the sectioned tooth surface and composite core material (Z350, 3M ESPE) was placed in 2mm increments and polymerized for 20 sec. After polymerization, the matrix was removed from the molded cores. Group 4: Following etching and bonding posts were cemented into the prepared post spaces. The matrix was placed on the sectioned tooth surface and composite was placed in 2mm increments and was then polymerized for 20 sec. After polymerization, the matrix was removed from the molded cores. LOADING PROCEDURE: Following thermal cycling (5000 cycles between 5Ãâ¹Ã
¡C and 55Ãâ¹Ã
¡ C with a dwell time of 30 second) a universal testing machine (Shimadzu, Japan) was used to apply a constant compressive load at a crosshead speed of 1mm/min, at a 130Ã º angle to the long axes of the test specimens, until failure ocurred. The tip of the loading bar was positioned to contact the centre of the palatoincisal surface at an angle of 90Ã ºC. The force at failure was measured in newtons. RESULTS One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with Post HocTukey test was used to compare the score between the groups. A 95% confidence level was used for the ANOVA test. Results showed that there was significant difference in the fracture resistance values obtained with different groups (p
Friday, January 17, 2020
Napoleon Bonaparte â⬠Hero or Villain? Essay
Some men are born heroes while others earn the title after their death. Either way, a heroââ¬â¢s life and his achievements are cemented in the history of the world and become timeless. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) is known today as one of the most intelligent and skilled leaders to have ever lived. He is also known as a controversial figure, his reputation however is disputable as many criticize him for being brutal, selfish and delusional. A deeper study of his life and motives dictating it explains whether this accusation of his villainy is true or false. Military Successes His first actual military feat was in the Siege of Toulon, when he was the captain of the artillery, driving away the British naval and land forces. It was Napoleonââ¬â¢s ingenious plan to place the republican guns strategically atop a hill, in a manner that they could protect the cityââ¬â¢s harbor and they would push the British ships out of the city. Napoleon at the ripe age of 24 was known henceforth as Brigadier General and was consequently given the artillery arm of Franceââ¬â¢s Army of Italy to lead. These events proved his ambitious and speedy progress on the military front and set a parable for time to come. (Asprey, 2000). In October 1975, he was given command of the forces at the Tuileries Palace where Napoleon had recently seen the massacre of the Kingââ¬â¢s Swiss Guard. He employed large cannons and used them to repel his enemy. The idea worked like magic, the streets were cleared in what is commonly known ââ¬Ëa whiff of grapeshotââ¬â¢ as phrased by Thomas Carlyle in The French Revolution: A History. Napoleon had once again used his experience and devised an intelligent solution to hit the nail on the head. (Louis, 1998, p. 40) Bonaparte was to take command of the Army of Italy so he devised a plan that was entirely unpredictable. The manââ¬â¢s greatness and vision is reflected in how he could be so delicately tactful and roughly aggressive at the same time. First he overtook the Austrian forces at the Battle of Lodi. Then he went on towards the Papal States. The Directory advised him to conduct a march on Rome but as a man of reason would, Napoleon felt that would weaken the state and refused. In March 1797, Napoleon led the army into Austria which being defeated already decided to negotiate for peace in the Treaty of Leoben. The clauses of this Treaty were such that France got hold of most of northern Italy and the Low Countries. Seizing the opportunity to claim as much of the land as he could, he seemingly awarded Venice to Austria after which he marched into it, ending its 1,100 years of independence with a triumphant invasion. When viewed objectively and for its sheer innovation and creativity, Napoleonââ¬â¢s strategy leaves most people astounded and is certainly admirable. Not only does it take a thorough understanding of conventional military leadership, it also requires a fresh and bright mind to achieve this. Napoleon thus dedicatedly created for himself a reputation, cooking up military plots that his opponent could not often predict or prevent. (Asprey, 2000) Napoleon was one of a kind when it came to military tactics such as concealment, espionage, envelopment and surveillance. His talent was obvious with the numerous battles he fought and won in a very short span of time. That and the rising popularity inspired him to prepare for invading England which had vast trading interests in India at that time (Louis, 1998). He had a developing interest in the Middle East, and had the foresight to realize that joining hands with a figure like Tipu Sultan would be Britainââ¬â¢s Achilles Heel. Napoleon told the Directory ââ¬Ëas soon as he had conquered Egypt, he will establish relations with the Indian princes and, together with them, attack the English in their possessions. ââ¬â¢ (Asprey, 2000, p. 26) Bonaparte sketched out the Constitution of the Year VIII on becoming First Consul and was soon known as the most powerful person in the country. In 1804, he formalized this status by crowning himself Emperor. Following this in 1805 he was crowned King of Italy too. Even at this exhilarating point in his life, Bonaparte with his quick thinking decided to promote his top generals to ââ¬ËMarshals of the Empireââ¬â¢, ensuring their loyalty to him for times to come. He did not take his success for granted. (Louis, 1998, p. 11). One of the most frequently discussed events of that time was the Battle at Austerlitz where, on the first anniversary of his coronation, Napoleon defeated Austria and Russia together. Following this, Austria signed the Peace of Pressburg after which Napoleon was named the Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine (Moore, 1999). Austria had to also give up its land and Napoleon termed Austerlitz as one of his finest battles (Louis, 1998). Critics argue that at such a prime time in his life, Napoleon lost touch with reality and as Frank McLynn expressed ââ¬Ëwhat used to be French foreign policyââ¬â¢ became a ââ¬Ëpersonal Napoleonic oneââ¬â¢. ââ¬â¢ On the contrary, it seems few remember that the man had noble intentions. Vincent Cronin stated Napoleon was not overly ambitious for himself, that ââ¬Å"he embodied the ambitions of thirty million Frenchmenâ⬠. (Moore, 1999, p. 2). One such example of Napoleonââ¬â¢s exceptional foresight and vast vision is that even after a failure to capture Egypt; he pursued his desire to secure a place in the Middle East. His insight that an alliance in that region would give the French the power to pressurize Russia from the South was brilliant. He worked hard to convince the Ottomans to join hands with him against Russia. He gave them incentives like they would regain lost territories and in 1806 Selim III called France a ââ¬Ësincere and natural allyââ¬â¢ ready to form an alliance. Following this feat, the Persian Empire of Fateh Ali Shah also formed the Franco-Persian Alliance in 1807 (Asprey, 2000, p. 23). Personal skill ââ¬â the exemplary hero Napoleonââ¬â¢s biggest and most undeniable influence has been in warfare ââ¬â his methods are now referred to as ââ¬ËNapoleonic warfareââ¬â¢. The influential military theorist Carl von Clausewitz describes him as a genius in the operational art of war. Wellington, when asked who was the greatest general of the day, answered: ââ¬Å"In this age, in past ages, in any age, Napoleon. â⬠(Moore, 1999, p. 1). Napoleon was always head first into the battle scene. This not only motivated his soldiers and collegues, it also helped set high standards of dedication and passion on the field. In battles like Montenotte, Mondovi, Arcola and Rivoli, Napolean set great examples often getting wounded himself. He also kept soldiers going by promising those rewards and incentives. (Louis, 1998). ââ¬ËNapoleon suffered various military setbacks however: at Leipzig in 1813, in Russia in 1812, and arguably at Aspern-Essling in 1809. He also had to abandon his forces in Egyptââ¬â¢. Despite the blows he suffered and felt responsible for subjecting his country to, Napoleon was always quick to get back on his feet. His resilient spirit as a fighter lives as an example for all those who search for the determination to achieve high goals. (Asprey, 2000, p. 38). Napoleonââ¬â¢s Strong Foundation Initially, Napoleon had a good opportunity to study and it was because of his dignified and prosperous family background and the strong ties among them. It laid the foundation, and gave him a chance to learn French at a religious school in Autun and later got him to enroll into a military academy at Brienne-le-Chateau. An examiner his exceptional aptitude in mathematics, history and geography, all of which helped him excel in the battlefield. The potentials map of the world, a desire to change history and the mathematical grid with which to arrange troops for an invasion ââ¬â the seeds were sown for a new vision of the French Empire (Louis, 1998). Napoleon and other Heroic Achievements Not only was he a keen military man, his humane and artistic side too was alive and kicking. Bonaparte published two newspapers, which were apparently for troops but most of France was reading them under that cover. He also started Le Journal de Bonaparte et des hommes vertueux, a newspaper to be published in Paris, increasing his influence on the political front in the country. 1798, Bonaparte was elected a member of the French Academy of Sciences, his Egyptian group discovered the Rosetta Stone and their work was published in the Description de lââ¬â¢Egypte (Asprey, 2000). Bonaparte was the one to initiate centralized administration, higher education, tax codes, road and sewer systems and the countryââ¬â¢s central bank (Louis, 1998). He bargained for the Concordat of 1801 with the Catholic Church, which inviting the Catholic population towards himself as he regulated public worship. In 1802, he instituted what is today the highest tribute in France in both military and civilian achievements, the Legion dââ¬â¢Honneur. These won him public support and high regard, and served as a bible for time to come. Multi talented and as much a man of reason as he was of force, Napoleonââ¬â¢s also created the famous Napoleonic codeââ¬âwas an enormous stepping stone in the nature of the civil law and legal systems promoting lucid and accessible laws. In his own words ââ¬Å"My true glory is not to have won 40 battlesâ⬠¦ Waterloo will erase the memory of so many victories. â⬠¦ Butâ⬠¦ what will live forever is my Civil Code. â⬠(Louis, 1998, p. 51). Correctly so, the Civil Code has immense significance, used in over a quarter of the worldââ¬â¢s jurisdictions including Europe, the Americas and Africa. It encouraged civilians to own property without fear and helped fight the plague of feudalism. Among his other achievements, Napoleon emancipated Jews from laws which restricted them to ghettos, and helped them win their rights to proper worship places, and work placed. In exile, in the first few months on Elba he created a small navy and army, developed the iron mines, and reformed and renovated the agricultural systems according to modern ways. He was not only known for ruling loud and mighty but had a much more humane and thoughtful side to him, his vision extended much beyond the war field (Louis, 1998). The Decline The Russians were defeated in a series of battles and Napoleon resumed his advance. But the harsh climatic conditions made the advance a fierce challenge. The Battle of Borodino resulted in approximately 44,000 Russian and 35,000 French, dead, wounded or captured, and may have been the bloodiest day of battle in history up to that point in time. In Napoleonââ¬â¢s own words was: ââ¬Å"The most terrible of all my battles was the one before Moscow. The French showed themselves to be worthy of victory, but the Russians showed themselves worthy of being invincible. â⬠The French suffered greatly in the course of a ruinous retreat, begun as over 400,000 frontline troops, but in the end fewer than 40,000. (Asprey, 2000, p. 28). Napoleon won a series of battles in the Six Days Campaign, but could not sustain control in Paris which was captured by the Coalition in 1814. The Allies eventually forced Napoleon to abdicate. He escaped but was intercepted soon. When confronted by a regiment, Napoleon approached them and shouted, ââ¬Å"Here I am. Kill your Emperor, if you wish. â⬠The soldiers, with hidden awe and admiration for him replied with, ââ¬Å"Vive Lââ¬â¢Empereur! â⬠and marched with Napoleon to Paris; another example of the respect Napoleon received from those who knew his strengths and forgave his weaknesses. (Asprey, 2000, p. 64). Conclusion Many ideas demean the manââ¬â¢s reputation today. There is a term called the Napoleon Complex which indicates aggressive behavior of a person who lacks height. (Moore, 1999). He reinstated slavery in French colonies, encouraged looting and often sought to solve problems with brute force rather than by deliberation. His attack on Jaffa was brutal: innocent men, women and children lost their lives sometimes to save bullets, supplies and at other times because they were suffering from the bubonic plague and were a burden. In 1920 he re-established slavery in Franceââ¬â¢s colonial possessions. (Asprey, 2000). Critics feel that the brutalities committed during his reign are unforgivable and were entirely unavoidable. However there are those like Vincent Cronin who felt that Napoleon was not ââ¬Ëresponsible for the wars which bear his name, when in fact France was the victim of a series of coalitions which aimed to destroy the ideals of the Revolutionââ¬â¢. His was the rule that ended lawlessness in France after the revolution (Louis, 1998). A hero lives as an example to people to believe in good and strive to achieve it. A hero dies to live on in their minds as a proof of what the human spirit is capable of if the heart is set on it. Today International Napoleonic Congresses are held in which scholars and politicians meet to discuss matters of world wide significance. An icon of ââ¬Ëmilitary genius and political powerââ¬â¢, Napoleon is used to name products, places and characters, all of which speak of his outstanding skills and innumerable successes (Moore, 1999). American journalist Chuck Palahniuk says ââ¬ËWe all die. The goal isnââ¬â¢t to live forever; the goal is to create something that willââ¬â¢. Napoleon has emerged a hero, through what he created ââ¬â an undying inspiration for great leadership, superb administration, unending determination, ruthless loyalty and masterful skills leading to eternal triumph (Louis, 1998, p. 66). He is remembered today in all historical publications as a courageous and able soldier, a man whose tact, craft and vision extended much beyond others. His name has come to symbolize a soldierââ¬â¢s epitome, a leaderââ¬â¢s aspiration. His flaws may be many and will remain attached to his exalted but very human condition. As Alexander Pope puts it, ââ¬ËTo err is human, to forgive is Divine. ââ¬â¢ It is not everyday one finds a story so moving and as passionate as one of Napoleon Bonaparte. A man fuelled with a ferocious desire to be victorious only to see a victorious France. 1799. Napoleon was laid to rest in May 1821 after fighting with persistent ill health. His last words were ââ¬ËFrance, army, head of the army, Josephineââ¬â¢ which he spoke in French (Louis, 1998, p115). There was no doubt that in his dying moments as his life flashed before him, he expressed what was dearest to him, and in it was his first and deepest love ââ¬â France. Those who judge him for being self absorbed would think again. He was initially buried in St. Helena but later shifted to Seine as he had requested in his will. He was given a state funeral, respects to a man who was a hero of his time, albeit with inevitable human flaws. (Asprey, 2000). References Books B. Asprey, Robert. (2000). The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte. First Edition. New York: Basic Books. Fauvelet de Bourrienne Louis, Antoine. (1998). Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. Constables Miscellant ââ¬â Original and Selected Publishing. Websites Richard Moore. (1999). Napolean Guide. May 26, 2010, from www. napoleonguide. com.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Valuable Lesson I Learned - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 546 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/09/22 Category Advertising Essay Type Argumentative essay Tags: Teenager Essay Did you like this example? Before there was Miss. Dee the school teacher, or the successful student striving for nothing but the best in life, there was missy; the girl that thought she was invincible. I was always the semi-popular one growing up, to many it may have seemed as though I had it all: both of my parentââ¬â¢s in the same house, I was an honor student, Vice President of the nationally recognized Highsteppers drill team. Not only was I focused; I was happy. ââ¬Å"If you listen, you might actually learn something,â⬠was a statement I heard too often from my mom as a seventeen year old teenager. Once senior year arrived, I can honestly say that I was truly a different person; someone that I didnââ¬â¢t recognize. I began hanging around with a ââ¬Å"new crowdâ⬠, skipping school, running away from home, drinking and smoking, something that Iââ¬â¢d never tried before; But, while I was trying so hard to fit in, I never realized how many people I would hurt in the process, inc luding myself, and the serious consequences I was going to have to face along the way. Living as a teenage runaway proved to be more difficult than I had imagined. My life consisted of partying Monday through Friday, and very little sleep. I lost twenty pounds during my downward spiral and, every meal Iââ¬â¢d eaten was treated like it would be my last. I missed my normal lifestyle; I missed my family and friends, especially my mom. Throughout all of the stress Iââ¬â¢d placed my mom; she was always there for me. Regardless of all the negative feelings my father may have felt towards me, my mom always made sure that I was able to reach out to her; if I wanted to come home she always welcomed me with open arms. The day that I realized I needed to change and get my life back on track is one that Iââ¬â¢ll never forget; I had run away from home to go to a college party with some of my friends in another city, and while there I began to have an uneasy feeling about one of th e guys that had driven us out of town, so I decided that I was just going to wait in the car for everyone until the party was over.. Or better yet, call my mom to come get me, because I was done with this life. However that night, I became a victim; I was Raped. Today, I am proud to say that not only am I a successful school teacher and tudent, but I have a great relationship with my family again. It has been three years since that chapter of my life and thankfully, I have done a complete turn around. I hope to someday help young ladies that are in the situation I was once faced with and, give them the encouragement needed to be the best that they can be, instead of trying to be something that theyââ¬â¢re not. The most valuable lesson that Iââ¬â¢ve learned thus far, is the one that I learned from my mother. She always told me, ââ¬Å"Never allow yourself to become a follower;â⬠And from that day on, Iââ¬â¢ve been a leader. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Valuable Lesson I Learned" essay for you Create order
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Teen Pregnancy A Social Issue - 1371 Words
Teen pregnancy is a very controversial social issue and the vast majority of Americans consider the outrageous rate of teen pregnancies a severe issue, certainly a problematic occurrence that is believed to be a moral decline in our country. Teenagers are physiologically capable of reproducing but not emotionally or financially prepared to be parents at such a tender age. Through various research studies a plethora of determinants has pin pointed teens unprecedented pregnancies. One cause of this problem is the apparent indication of social separation or disadvantage. Within this issue you would find poverty, single parent households, educational disadvantages on the parents behalf, a lack family/parental support, and unemployment. A childââ¬â¢s educational performance, inappropriate sexual acts, and inferior apprehensions about their futures play a vital role in teen pregnancies as well. Amongst the listed disadvantages the three that take precedent are lacks of family commun ication, sexual abuse, and poverty. Furthermore, teen mothers do not fit the ideal ideology of the normative scheduling of motherhood, therefore, ultimately resulting in negative consequences for them and society. What needs to be understood is, as to why the numbers of teens are becoming parents at such a vernal age. There has been a multitude of assumptions as to why there have been a soaring number of teens living in poverty becoming pregnant. Younger women experiencing poverty, institutionalShow MoreRelatedThe Social Issue Regarding Teen Pregnancy756 Words à |à 4 PagesPurpose: The social issue regarding teen pregnancy is still very prevalent in the United States. Teen pregnancy is a huge issue because it is known to have a negative effect on the mother and most importantly the child. An initial study was conducted on two teenage mothers prior to having their child. 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